What Happen at the Initial Dental Exam?
When patients arrive at the office for the initial dental exam, they may not be sure what to expect. For children, this visit in a new environment can be an anxiety-provoking experience, particularly if they have preconceived notions about what having braces might entail. It can be helpful for patients to know what to expect when they visit an orthodontic practice for the first time. Furthermore, patients should know what to bring to the visit as well to ensure that everything goes according to plan. For the initial visit, there are a few steps that patients should keep in mind.
Patient’s General Information
The first step of the dental exam will be similar to the first exam conducted at the dental office of the primary dental provider. The patient will fill in basic information such as their name, legal guardian’s name if the patient is a child, contact information, and address. This is important so that the office can get in contact with the patient in the event of an emergency. The patient will also list their insurance status so that the practice knows who to contact for billing information. The initial dental exam is usually a pretty simple visit.
Gathering Patient’s Dental & Medical History
After this, the patient may be asked to fill out other forms regarding their medical and dental history or someone from the practice could sit down and take this for them. Any pertinent dental issues from the past will need to be written down including cavities, chronic problems, or root canals. Prior orthodontic work will also be taken. Chronic medical problems should also be listed. Any x-rays that have been performed in the past will be reviewed. If these haven’t been done, they could be taken at this visit.
Full Mouth Examination
Once the medical history has been taken, the orthodontist or exam experts will conduct a physical dental exam of the patient’s mouth to take a look at what the possible treatments are. Once the dental exam has been completed, the orthodontist will give a preliminary diagnosis of what they think the problem might be. The provider will also review some of the possible treatment options. They could give some idea regarding the length of the treatment and possible financial cost. They could review some alternative treatment options as well and state what they believe the benefits of each option might be.
Just the First Visit
It is important for patients to understand that this is just the first visit with the oral health professional and the preliminary diagnosis could change once a meticulous review of the full set of x-rays and dental records are reviewed. This is why patients need to come back for further visits to ensure that the treatment plan is going to suit the needs of the patient. Anyone with questions or concerns should reach out and schedule an appointment today. The earlier orthodontic problems are addressed the faster any problems can be corrected.